October 25, 2022
 I have been using this comic book style of sketching people for quite some time already but each time it yields different r...
The Business of Sketching in Public SpacesChinatown, Singapore (drawn by a fude nib fountain pen on sketchbook)For any experienced or veteran sketcher (anyone who sketch on-location), it is still a daunting experience to...
November 23, 2022

What is a Conversation ?

 Conversation - a talk, especially an informal one, between two or more people, in which news and ideas are exchanged; oral exchange of sentiments, observations, opinions or ideas; talk between 2 or more people...
In general my usual sketching activity revolves around sketching people. There was a time I was sketching buildings quite frequently but I can assure you I have not stopped that. It is just...
 Starting the first sketch on a new sketch book. This is the usual sketching spot on a weekend - a neighbourhood food market that we have been frequenting for breakfast and many miscellaneous meals...
 The sketch wasn't dated on the sketchbook unfortunately, but from another sketch, the incident happened on 18 Aug 2022, a working Thursday. We received a call that late afternoon from mum who was...
 I have been using this comic book style of sketching people for quite some time already but each time it yields different results. The approach was actually introduced to me by a sketcher...
 Magnificent place of worship for the Buddhists and also the main attraction for tourists who are visiting Yangon. A must see location. We were there about 4-5 years ago or a couple of years...
 When you discover a tool that you like and enjoy using, you'll never stop using it. For me it is the Pentel brush pen and the Pentel pocket brush pen. These tools are...
The pandemic has changed the lives of many. We have also learned to live with the virus in the midst of us. But our lives did not turned for the worst. Technologies have...